Hello from Cedar Weekly Emails

Hello from Cedar

I hope that the first week of July is going well for you.

Class Transition
We are all very proud of the children for the calm and mature way in which they spent time in their new classes on Wednesday morning.  I know how much the staff enjoyed meeting their new classes and working together for the morning.
On Tuesday there will be a second transition morning.  On Tuesday our new teacher for Green Class - Amy Ship - will be in school however our new teacher for Diamond Class - Bronya Kidd - is not able to be in school on Tuesday but the Diamond SSA team will look forward to working with the class.

Democracy and Voting
In this General Election week children have been learning about democracy and about what it means to vote.  We had a mock election in assembly on Tuesday - not for political candidates but for other matters - so that children could experience how voting works.

Dates For The Rest Of This Term
With just two weeks to go (unbelievable ...I know!!!!) until we break up for the Summer Holiday, I have listed key dates for the next fortnight below:

Tuesday 9th July 2024 Transition Morning (children in new classes)
Thursday 11th July 2024 Year 11 Leavers’ Day
Friday 12th July 2024 Children’s Reports Issued
Friday 19th July 2024

Break Up for Summer Holiday
Year 11 Leavers’ Assembly from 1.45pm –
Year 11 families invited

As always this all comes with our best wishes,
Neil, Cesia and the whole Cedar Team

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