Hello from Cedar Weekly Email

Hello from Cedar

Welcome to the new school year!

Every Friday in term time I send out an email to families with information/updates so please do keep a look out for this each week!  The email is called ‘Hello from Cedar’. Emails written by me are sent out by Karen Collins. 

Please can I ask you to send an email to Karen to confirm that you have received this week’s email (i.e. you can simply reply to this email!). Karen will then be able to make sure that her database of family email addresses is correct!  Huge thanks for this!

So, here goes with this first week's message.  It is a bit longer than usual because it contains a lot of important information!

A big WELCOME BACK to all of our returning children and families ... and a big newcomers' WELCOME to children and families who are joining us this term.

We hope that this year goes well for everybody!  In the first instance, please ask your child's class team if you have questions about any matters. Please also be assured that the whole Cedar team is here to support your child and you as we begin another year at Cedar together!

I also want to welcome three new members of staff whom we appointed after I last wrote to you in the Summer.  Jo McIntee has joined us as an SSA (Jo used to work at Cedar and we are delighted that she has chosen to return). James Phillips has joined Cedar and will be teaching in different classes across the week, particularly focusing on physical activity work with children. Scott Dear has joined our lunch time team; this team helps the children with their lunches and works with the children on activities during the lunch break.

Year 11 Assessment Outcomes
We are so very, very, very proud of our Year 11s who left us in the Summer.  The children who took written assessments in English and Maths all passed to the standard which we had aspired for them to reach!  They took exams in the Summer Term and received their results on the national results day in August.

Furthermore every child in Year 11 achieved nationally-recognised accreditation for the hard work which they did and for the progress which they made.  BRILLIANT!  

CONGRATULATIONS to these amazing young people!

Absence Requests
If you know, in advance, that your child is going to be absent - for example to attend an appointment - you must complete a 'Request For Exceptional Absence' form.  Paper copies can be obtained from the school office; the forms are also available electronically at Attendance and Absence in Term Time - The Cedar School.  

Forms need to be submitted before your child's absence whenever possible.

Please be assured that we will always authorise time to attend a medical appointment but this paperwork is important.

Very many thanks for your support with this and please do contact Amy Clune in the school office if you ever need advice/guidance when filling in one of these request forms.

Class Learning Letters
Next week you will receive your child’s class Learning Letter
, giving details about the curriculum which is being covered in their class as well as some ideas of how you might further explore this learning at home. We have received a lot of positive feedback since we introduced these letters last year and I hope that you will continue to find them helpful.

Term Dates 2024-2025
Just for everybody's information, I am sharing some key dates for 2024-2025 below:

Friday 25th October 2024 Break Up for Half Term Holiday
Monday 4th November 2024 INSET Day (school closed to children)
Tuesday 5th November 2024 Children Return
Friday 20th December 2024 Break Up for Christmas Holiday
Monday 6th January 2025 INSET Day (school closed to children)
Tuesday 7th January 2025 Children Return
Friday 14th February 2025 Break Up for Half Term Holiday
Monday 24th February 2025 Children Return
Friday 4th April 2025 Break Up for Easter Holiday
Tuesday 22nd April 2025 Children Return
Monday 5th May 2025 Bank Holiday
Tuesday 6th May 2025 INSET Day (school closed to children)
Wednesday 7th May 2025 Children Return
Friday 23rd May 2025 Break Up for Half Term Holiday
Monday 2nd June 2025 Children Return
Friday 18th July 2025 Break Up for Summer Holiday


I hope that you are able to have a calm weekend. Let’s hope that it is not too wet given the very heavy rain of this week!

Warm best wishes as always,
Neil, Cesia and the whole Cedar Team

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