Hello from Cedar Weekly Emails

Hello from Cedar

... and so the final half-term of this school year has begun!  Time is flying by really quickly!

It has been lovely to have the Cedar family back together again this week; lots of great learning has been happening across the school!

Class Learning Letter
Next week you will receive your child's Class Learning Letter for this half-term so please do keep a look out for this!

Summer Fair - Saturday 15th June
The Cedar Summer Fair is coming up in eight days' time on Saturday 15th June, 11am - 2pm
.  A poster about the fair is attached.  We really look forward to welcoming many of you to the fair! 

Fundraising - Thank You!
Ally Antell, who is the dad of Andrew in Purple Class, and some of his work colleagues from Aviva completed the Romsey Marathon on 19th May and raised an AMAZING £3820 for our school!  Sponsorship totalled £1910 and Aviva, very generously, doubled this amount.  Ally passes on his thanks for the support which he and his colleagues received and we, in turn, pass on our huge thanks to all of them and to Aviva.

Dates For This Half-Term
Important dates for this half-term are shown in the table below. It is going to be a busy one!

Saturday 15th June 2024

11am – 2pm: 
Cedar Summer Fair

Friday 28th June 2024 Classes for 2024-2025 shared with children and families
Wednesday 3rd July 2024 Transition Morning (children in new classes)
Tuesday 9th July 2024 Transition Morning (children in new classes)
Thursday 11th July 2024 Year 11 Leavers’ Day
Friday 12th July 2024 Children’s Reports Issued
Friday 19th July 2024

Break Up for Summer Holiday

Year 11 Leavers’ Assembly from 1.45pm – Year 11 families invited


With best wishes to everyone for the weekend!
Neil, Cesia and the whole Cedar Team

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