Hello from Cedar Weekly Emails

Hello from Cedar

Firstly, thank you for all of your support, kindness and understanding over our decision to cancel the Summer Fair tomorrow.  The weather forecast is not looking good and, in the end, the Fundraising Committee had to make a very tough decision.  We are very sorry about this but the committee needed to 'make a call' early in the week because there is so much involved in preparing for the day.  Thank you again.

Education Business Awards - Cedar is the SEN Provision Award Winner!
The Education Business Awards is a national event held in London each year when the achievement of schools around the country are celebrated.  This year Cedar was nominated, and then shortlisted, for the work which we are doing in terms of Careers Education for our oldest pupils.  On Wednesday Katy Leonard (who leads our Careers work)  and I attended the ceremony and heard about amazing work which is happening in schools across the country  ... and Cedar was announced as the winner!  

Wow!  We are so very proud of our wonderful children and of our fantastic staff team who are working so hard to develop Careers opportunities and to prepare our children for adulthood.  There is always more to do but this award is recognition of the work which is happening.

The photo below shows Katy and I receiving the award on behalf of the whole Cedar family.  WELL DONE and THANK YOU, EVERYBODY!


Class Learning Letters
Earlier this week you will have received your child's Class Learning Letter for this half-term.  All learning letters can also be found on our school website at Class Learning Letters - The Cedar School.

With warm best wishes from everyone at Cedar for your weekend,
Neil, Cesia and the whole Cedar Team

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