Hello from Cedar Weekly Emails

Hello from Cedar

We break up today for the Summer Holiday after another action-packed year at Cedar!

I want to thank every member of the Cedar School family for the part which they have played in making this another successful and rewarding year for the children.  That means THANK YOU TO YOU for being AMAZING!

Today we say 'thank you and good luck' to our wonderful Year 11 pupils and their families.  It has been a privilege to work with you all over many years and we will miss you all hugely.  Do please keep in touch and remember that we are always here if we can support in any way!

We also say 'thank you and good luck' to Stacey, Skye, Kelly, Hannah, Charlotte and Archita who leave the staff team today.  Thank you for your work in supporting and guiding the children of Cedar.  We wish you every happiness for the future.  

We also wish Hayley and her family all of the very best as Hayley awaits the birth of her baby, due very soon now.  Emily, whose baby is due a little later nearer to the end of September, plans to be back for a few days at the start of the Autumn Term.  We wish Emily and her family well as they prepare for this exciting moment in their lives.

Looking ahead  ... the first day of the Autumn Term for the children here at Cedar will be Wednesday 4th September when the children will return at the usual time.  

This comes with every good wish to you all for the Summer from the whole Cedar Team. We hope that everybody finds some time to relax.

Neil, Cesia and the whole Cedar Team

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