Hello from Cedar Weekly Emails

Hello from Cedar

Everyone has settled really well to the new term; it is lovely to see children enjoying their learning in classes across the school!  

SAVE THE DATE: Macmillan Coffee Morning - Thursday 26th September, 9.30am - 11.00am
On Thursday 26th September, parents and carers are invited into school between 9.30am and 11.00am for our Macmillan Coffee Morning.  We will have a number of cakes and coffee/tea. There will also be a tub to collect any donations for this very worthy cause.

Please can you let Karen Collins in the school office know if you are able to come along so that we have an idea of numbers.  Thank you!

We look forward to welcoming many of you to school on the 26th!

Class Learning Letters
Your child's class team will have sent home/will be sending home your child's Class Learning Letter for this half-term.  These letters give information about your child's class including details about what your child is learning and ways that you might choose to develop this learning at home.  Thank you, as always, for your support.

All of the letters can also be found on our school website at Class Learning Letters - The Cedar School.

School Attendance and Absence
Those of you with children in other schools may well have heard that schools are being increasingly scrutinised for any absences which they authorise in term time.

As I wrote last week, we will always authorise absence to attend a medical appointment and for any commitment which affects a child's health.  We always need to receive a copy, or screenshot, of your invitation to the appointment along with your Request For Exceptional Absence form.

We will, though, now give you a phone call if we have questions over requests for absence in term time.  This does not mean that the requests will not necessarily be authorised but simply means that we need further details before making a decision.  

Please, therefore, can we ask that you put as much detail as you can on our Request For Exceptional Absence form about why an absence needs to happen in term time.

Thank you very much for your support with this.  As I say, there are now even greater expectations on schools to manage attendance / absence and detail in requests helps us to do this.

With our best wishes for the weekend,
Neil, Cesia and the whole Cedar Team

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