Hello from Cedar Weekly Emails

Hello from Cedar

In many ways it seems unbelievable that this is the last week of September and that October will begin on Tuesday.  Maybe it is because such a lot happens at Cedar each week that the time really seems to 'fly by'!

Macmillan Coffee Morning - Thank you!
It was lovely to catch up with a number of you at our Macmillan Coffee Morning yesterday.  Thank you, everyone, for the donations which you made to this very worthy cause. A total of £310 was raised by you for Macmillan!

Cedar Children Make An Amazing Impact In The World
The children who were in last year's Yellow Class worked on a project where they learned about the pollution of the oceans and specifically about how pollutants can enter the sea through the exhausts of ships.  Along with three other schools in the city, the children wrote performance poems and other pieces of writing which they presented and these presentations were filmed.  

We learned last week that these films were shown to officials in the European Union (EU) and that the children's messages have led other countries, including Denmark, to change their regulations about the removal of exhaust gases from ships.  WOW!

HUGE THANKS and a MASSIVE WELL DONE to last year's Yellow Class for truly making a positive difference in the world.  We are so very proud of you all.

My thanks as well to Hannah Muldowney-Mizen, who was Yellow Class' teacher last year, for leading this piece of work at Cedar.  Hannah left Cedar at the end of the Summer Term but she has been in touch with me to share this brilliant news!

 ... last but not least ...
I want to pass on a special thanks to children and families in Green Class for your understanding over our need to close the class yesterday and today due to staff illness.  There is a lot going around at the moment and we hope that the weekend will give everyone time to recover from the bugs which are about.  

Indeed, the whole Cedar team sends every one of you our good wishes for the weekend.

Take care,
Neil, Cesia and the whole Cedar Team

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