Hello from Cedar Weekly Emails

Hello from Cedar

It has been another busy and productive week in school. Your amazing children shine every day and are enjoying their learning!

How We Organise Assemblies At Cedar
I thought that you might like to know how we organise our whole school assembly themes at school. 

Each week we have a different theme for our assemblies. We usually choose a topical theme and it is a great way for the children to learn about important national and world matters. This week the focus has been ‘Black Lives Matter’ month which falls during October while next week our focus will be 'World Homeless Day' because 10th October is World Homeless Day.  On this day people around the world reflect on the challenges for those who are homeless and learn about work to prevent and end homelessness and the suffering of those experiencing it.   

Every week I am impressed by the many thoughtful reflections which are shared by the children.  If it is appropriate for your child, you may want to ask them to share what they learn in our whole school assemblies.

'Behind the scenes' in any school is a hard-working group of volunteers who form the school's governing body.  As headteacher I meet regularly with our governors and report to them on the work which the school is doing.  Their role is to support and challenge me, and the whole team, to ensure that the school provides the very best which it can to our wonderful children.

The governing body is led by the Chair of Governors.  At our governors' meeting last Tuesday, governors elected Dr. Sally Sampson as our Chair of Governors. Ginny Assinder, who has chaired and co-chaired the governors for several years, stood down from the role of Chair to become Vice Chair. My huge thanks to Sally, Ginny and all of our governors for their hard work, dedication and commitment to our school.

Staffing Update
Today Saf Lennan, one of our SSAs in Red Class, begins her maternity leave. We all wish Saf, her partner and family every good wish at this exciting time for them.

We hope that you are able to enjoy a peaceful weekend; take care,
Neil, Cesia and the whole Cedar Team

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