Hello from Cedar Weekly Emails

Hello from Cedar

The weather has certainly been very unsettled at times this week but that has not dampened our enthusiasm from having another busy, packed and fun week at Cedar!

I thought that you would be interested to know that our lunchtime clubs for children have been up and running for three weeks now.  The children had a choice about which clubs they could join. 

It is so lovely that children from different classes can join the same clubs which means that the clubs are not only fun but also great social opportunities.  There is a real buzz at lunchtimes as the children enjoy their clubs.  

The clubs which are taking place this term are:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Uno and Cards Club Uno and Board Games Club Karaoke Club Book Club Art Club
Flower Arranging Club Computer Club
Sports Club Newspaper Club Sports Club

My thanks to the staff team for leading such a fantastic range of clubs for the children!

Baby News!
Some lovely news from school ... teacher Emily's baby was born last week ... a little girl called Evelyn.  

Further happy baby news came back in the Summer Holiday when SSA Hayley's baby was born ... a little boy called Abel.

We all send Hayley, Abel, Emily, Evelyn and their families our love and very best wishes.

 ... and finally ...
It is hard to believe how quickly the half-term is rushing by!  Just a reminder that we will break up for the half-term holiday in two weeks' time on Friday 25th October.  The children will return after their break on Tuesday 5th November.  School will be closed for a staff training day on Monday 4th November.

With best wishes for the weekend,
Neil, Cesia and the whole Cedar Team

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