Hello from Cedar Weekly Emails
Hello from Cedar
After an eight week half-term we break up today for the half-term holiday week. The children will return after their break on Tuesday 5th November. School will be closed for a staff training day on Monday 4th November.
Great Learning!
This week I have asked some children to describe this half-term at Cedar in their own words. This is what they had to say:
"It has been fun!"
"I have enjoyed spending time with my friends."
"Every day has been good."
"We are ready for our holiday now; it has been busy!"
"I like playing with my friends."
"It's the best half term ever."
I agree with them all, including with the comment that the children are ready for their holiday now! The children have worked so hard this half-term and the second half of the Autumn Term is always a particularly busy one so a good rest is deserved by everyone beforehand!
We look forward to seeing you again on Tuesday 5th November! Take care!
Neil, Cesia and the whole Cedar Team
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