Hello from Cedar Weekly Emails

Hello from Cedar

We hope that you and your families enjoyed the half-term break and that you are adjusting to the darker evenings.  It is always a bit of a shock when it becomes dark so much earlier.

The new half-term has got off to a good start this week.

Christmas At Cedar
Is it too early to mention 'Christmas'??!! Cesia has written a letter which is attached to this email giving full information about dates and plans for Christmas activities here at school.  Please do have a look at this!  One of the key dates is Tuesday 17th December, 10am-12pm, when we will hold our Christmas Extravaganza to which you are all invited!

Class Learning Letters
Your child's class team will have sent home/will shortly be sending home your child's Class Learning Letter  for this half-term.  These letters give information about your child's class including  details about what your child is learning and ways that you might choose to develop this learning at home.  Thank you, as always, for your support.

Remembrance Day
On Monday we will hold a minute's silence at 11am to mark Remembrance Day.  All class teams will help the children to understand the significance of this event and our assemblies next week will be on the theme of remembrance.

Well done, again, to the children for such a great first week back!

With our very best wishes for your weekend,
Neil, Cesia and the whole Cedar Team

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