Hello from Cedar Weekly Emails

Hello from Cedar

We hope that this finds you well. It has been another busy and successful week in school with lots going on ...

Work Experience / Careers Film
On Monday there was a real buzz in the building as Ruby Class and some staff were involved in making a film about children's work experience / learning about careers. The film was made with the Saints Foundation which is the charity of Southampton Football Club.  We work closely with the team from Saints so it was great to make the film with them.  We will share a link with you all when the film 'goes live'!

Class Learning Letters
You will now have received your child's class learning letter for this half term.  All learning letters can also be found on our school website at Class Learning Letters - The Cedar School

Christmas Extravaganza
Last week we sent out a letter which lists dates for Christmas events at Cedar.  Just to highlight that one of the key dates is Tuesday 17th December, 10am-12pm, when we will hold our Christmas Extravaganza to which you are all invited!

The Bikers Ride In 
... and another key date is Saturday 30th November at 10.30am when the bikers invite children, families and friends to watch them as they drive into the school car park with festive sweets and chocolates.  We are very grateful to the bikers for their generosity.

Staff Update
This week we have welcomed a new SSA - Chloe Ryan - to Cedar.  Chloe is working in Amethyst Class.  We hope that you will be very happy here, Chloe.

With our very best wishes for your weekend; it is due to get a bit colder so please keep warm,
Neil, Cesia and the whole Cedar Team

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