Hello from Cedar Weekly Emails

Hello from Cedar

I remain in disbelief that it will be December on Sunday!  Where is the time going??!!  A reminder that the letter setting out dates for Christmas events at Cedar is also on our school website at Letters to Parents/Carers - The Cedar School.  Plus, some of you will have spotted that the Christmas Tree at the front of our school building went up yesterday  !

The Bikers Ride In - TOMORROW!
Tomorrow at 10.30am the bikers invite children, families and friends to watch them for their annual Christmas drive into the school car park with festive sweets and chocolates.  We are very grateful to the bikers for their generosity.  Karen and Sue will be at school on behalf of the staff team to welcome everybody and the Fundraising Committee will, very kindly, be serving hot drinks and mince pies.

Christmas Extravaganza
Another date for the diary is Tuesday 17th December, 10am-12pm, when we will hold our annual Christmas Extravaganza to which you are all warmly invited!

Staffing Update
On Monday we welcomed Izabela Wyszynska to our Site and Cleaning Team.  We hope that you will be very happy here at Cedar, Izabella.

This comes with very best wishes from everyone at Cedar for the weekend,
Neil, Cesia and the whole Cedar Team 

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