Admissions Arrangements
Admission to Cedar, and to the other special schools in Southampton, is through a Local Authority Panel when a range of professionals, including leaders from The Cedar School, agree the best placement for each child. To attend Cedar, children’s needs must match with our Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Report . This is because it is very important that all children are placed in a school which can best meet their needs. This is all in line with Southampton City Council’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Offer for all children (Southampton Directory | SEND Local Offer).
Parents/carers who are seeking a place at Cedar, or wanting to find out more, should, in the first instance, contact the Education/SEND Department of their Local Authority. Parents/carers are also welcome to contact our Assistant Headteacher and SENDCo, Becca Farwell.
If a child is offered a place at Cedar, the child and family will be invited to a range of induction events to ensure that the child and parents/carers are supported in their transition to the school. Becca Farwell, arranges a transition plan for each child, involving the class teacher, health services and Karen Collins who leads on transport for The Cedar School. At this point of transition, a personalised ‘risk assessment’ is prepared for each child.